Discover Endless Options For Your Ideal Swimsuit

Personal Shopper
There are occasions where swimsuits are the protagonists of the day.
All, absolutely all women have needed at some point in their lives to find that perfect swimsuit.
We measure one, then we measure another, and we realize that suddenly the one we have is not so
suitable for that
special occasion.
Some days we need it to play sports, others to get a little color on our skin, and others simply
to relax in the pool or somewhere that is related to water. There are many occasions where
swimsuits are the protagonist of the day, and we should not leave this decision adrift.
The first thing you should keep in mind is that not all swimsuits are created equal, or have the
Benefits. Each one of our garments has special characteristics to meet those tastes and needs that
women we are looking for to show off our figures: more coverage in the abdomen and legs, wide
straps, control
of abdomen, incorporated enhancement, special fabrics, fashion details, among others...
Also, as a person who on a day-to-day basis has the opportunity to listen to all the thoughts and
perceptions of
women who are looking for swimsuits, I realize more and more that women need garments that reaffirm
our safety and that make us feel proud of our body, and of everything we are...
That is why it is very important that when you choose that perfect garment, you have in account several factors:
- How do you want to see yourself?
- How do you want to feel?
- What benefits are you looking for?
- Which silhouettes do you like the most?
- What occasion do you want to use it for?
Today I want you to get to know these garments and recognize them as a new way of loving your body as it is, discovering each one of those benefits and different silhouettes that you can enjoy in our SWIMWEAR universe.
Goodbye to insecurities, hello to more moments in the sun
When we women think of a bathing suit, it is impossible not to think of happiness,
beach, the heat and being able to live unique moments in paradisiacal places.
Since I was little, I have always related bathing suits with freedom, happiness and above all…
But I am also aware that not all women have had such a positive relationship with these garments and
what they represent.
Whenever I have a consultation with a woman in the store, and they are looking precisely for a
swimsuit, she
He covers up and does his best not to see his imperfections in the mirror. In most cases, for them
it is a
difficult moment where your fears are more important than the fact that a bathing suit fits you or
I hear comments like: "I'm too fat, nothing fits me", "I need to lose weight, when I do,
I buy the bathing suit”.
And this leads me to think that many times we stop enjoying things, including putting on clothes,
for the simple
fact of not being satisfied with how we see ourselves.
It is incredible, as in many cases, we women avoid plans to which we are invited for the simple fact
that we do not
we like what we see in our reflection.
I will never forget a time when I treated a young woman, she told me that she had not bought bathing
suits since she
he had put on a few kilos that same year. And that he was waiting to download them so he could go
back to the pool and the beach
as it did before. Obviously, I convinced her to get as many bathing suits as possible, and not
he had to wait to be his "perfect version" to wear this type of clothing.
Speaking from my personal experience, for me, being in a bathing suit is an indescribable feeling in
At one point in my life I forget my prejudices: cellulite, stretch marks or extra kilos. This
happens for the simple fact that
that when I wear these clothes they are always accompanied by friends, sports and being in the sun
getting that vitamin D
that I like so much
That is why today, I want you to see the swimsuits, and especially those of Leonisa, as a garment
that accompanies you
where you can feel fuller, and that you leave complexes and self-criticism aside, while you give
yourself the
opportunity to feel safe in your own skin.
Bathing suits by benefits:
As a Personal Shopper, I am aware that choosing a swimsuit is not an easy task. But I'm sure with
what I am going to tell you next, it will be much easier for you to find that perfect garment to
shine under the
When buying the perfect swimsuit, it is inevitable not to want to think about those extra little
helps that can
make you look better than ever on your summer days, or just on those special features you would like
that they had We have a variety of benefits that you are probably looking for, read on and find out
what they are.
1. Highlight:
It is no secret to any of us that we want to look our best on those summer days, wearing what
best of our curves and attributes.
Did you know that the neckline is one of the most important areas for
Therefore, if you are one of those thousands of women who cannot live without enhancement in
their daily lives, and use
bras with built-in pads that add extra volume to the bust for an on-point look
perfect at all times, let me tell you that this benefit can also be part of your
Some of these garments incorporate that enhancement that you are looking for so much, thus being
able to show off a much more cleavage
impressive and making your bust look more lifted, centered and even bigger.
2. Fixed or removable cups:
If on the other hand, you are not a lover of enhancement, but what you want is for your bust to
look more rounded and with the
best modeling always, my recommendation is that you look for swimsuits with fixed preformed cups
These cups are made of a very light foam that will not give additional volume to the bust, but
it will
They will adapt perfectly to your bust, guaranteeing the ideal modeling for your neckline.
3. Tummy control:
Are you looking for a swimsuit that frames your curves and makes you look better than ever?
As a Personal Shopper, I have noticed that it is becoming more and more common for women to hide
behind kimonos,
shorts, t-shirts and other types of clothing to hide your figure. And the idea is that these
people do not hide their
bodies, but highlight the best of them.
At Leonisa, most of our one-piece swimsuits have a tummy control that helps shape each
centimeter of the abdomen and waist.
It's amazing how women who try on a tummy control swimsuit for the first time,
They are surprised and excited to see how their body looks much better in seconds, accentuating
their figure and
hiding those rolls that they don't like at all.
I promise you that you will feel better than ever when you are on the beach or live the best
vacations. The best of
everything is that you will feel more comfortable than ever!
Did I get your attention? I'm sure it is!
I want to tell you that these swimsuits come in 3 different types of compression or control that
are associated with 2
materials, from the softest that naturally accentuates curves, to the strongest, with which you
can wear up to 2
cms slimmer in your waist and abdomen.
Smooth control:
Ideal for women with little experience in the use of control.
Stylizes the figure with front panel in TRICONET.
And what is the TRICONET?
It is a shiny and soft fabric inside our swimsuits, which generates a slight compression in the
to show off a more molded figure.
What can this control do for you?
- "Keep everything in place"
- comfort at all times
Medium control:
Perfect for those who have more experience in the universe of control.
Technology in POWERSLIM in the abdomen.
And what is POWERSLIM? Mesh-shaped fabric inside your swimwear that fits perfectly to your body, generating the compression needed for you.
What can this control do for you?
- Look up to 2 centimeters thinner
- Slimmer back and abdomen
- steep curves
4. Recycled materials:
In a world where it is increasingly important to protect and conserve the environment, you can be
part of the
change. Do you want to know how? Here I tell you everything.
At Leonisa we want to invite you to get to know and be part of two initiatives that we currently
have with our
bathing suits, where our intention is to give back a little bit to the planet through the recycling
sea and PET bottles.
Sea Networks:
There are more than 640,000 tons of abandoned fishing nets in the sea that endanger marine species.
Now these nets are recovered annually and transformed into clothing, such as our bathing suits.
For Leonisa it is super important to be an active part of this cause and we want you to do it too,
because little
Acts bring big changes.
Recycled PET bottles:
We also have another initiative that consists of reducing the impact generated by plastic bottles.
In colombia
It is contaminated annually with more than 4,000 million PET bottles that take more than 100 years
to recycle.
We have a strategic ally that is in charge of collecting PET bottles, recycling them and converting
them into fibers for
that we can create some of our swimwear.
5. Mastectomy:
Every year, many women have to fight against breast cancer, undergoing surgical procedures such as
mastectomy to save their lives.
At Leonisa we understand that for them, their bust and their body are an essential part of their
femininity and of everything they are.
like women. This is why, in co-creation with some survivors who suffered from this disease, we
created some
bathing suits with built-in prostheses that made them feel pretty and confident at all times.
Not only are they very practical and comfortable, but they also highlight the beauty of women at its
now that you know a little more about the benefits and characteristics that you can find in our swimsuits, it is important that you know the silhouettes that we have to offer you.
1. Bikinis:
These two-piece swimsuits are perfect for those women who love freedom and enjoy wearing
her body on her summer days.
Depending on your tastes and needs, you can find bikinis with better coverage on the bust and
buttocks, or
bathing suits with less coverage to achieve that tan with which you dream so much.
If you are a woman with a larger bust, it is important that you choose bikinis with good support
and coverage in the
bust area and with wide straps to support its weight, feeling spectacular at all times!
I, for example, am a faithful user of this garment and when buying them I try that the upper
parts and
bottoms have different types of coverage and styles, so I can look different and not have
clothes as
2. Trikinis:
As I told you before, the abdominal area can be a sensitive issue for many women. That is
many of them choose swimsuits that make them safe with a total coverage in the
So what are these clothes like?
They are two-piece swimsuits, where the upper part is similar to a t-shirt, completely
covering the
waist and abdomen. In addition, they will help you feel more secure than ever with their
wide straps and excellent
coverage in the armhole, sides and back, thus being able to hide all the rolls.
In the lower part you can find conventional panties, or shorts that will give you extra
coverage in the area
of the buttocks and thighs.
This is an incredibly comfortable option for example for mothers of small children, who must
be all day
depending on their children, running from one place to another; or also for more traditional
women who enjoy the
comfort at all times.
3. Integers:
Who said a full bathing suit can't be sexy? This is a myth that many people have, thinking
that a full bathing suit is old-fashioned, traditional and very boring. I want to tell you, that
this is not for nothing
In our brand, we want to think about all women and how they want to feel, so you will be able to
from wholes with high coverage, to be safe at all times, to garments with transparencies,
pronounced and very sexy details.
Do you want to know the best of everything?
Most of these swimsuits have a tummy control, which I explained to you earlier, so that your
curves look better than ever!
4. Sports:
If you love being in the water doing some kind of exercise such as swimming, kite surfing,
synchronized swimming, etc…
You must ensure that your swimsuit makes you feel comfortable and safe at all times.
I don't know if this has ever happened to you, but there is nothing more uncomfortable than
swimming in the pool and our
bathing suit runs, loosens or even falls because it is not the most suitable for making
movements in the
It is important that when you choose a swimsuit to do some aquatic exercise, you opt for
garments that have
excellent coverage and cleavage support, with wide straps and that it is in one piece so that
you are safe
that everything will stay in its place.
5. Three pieces:
For lovers of versatility and comfort, these garments can become their best allies, since
they have the best of both worlds: the freedom of bikinis, with the safety of trikinis.
What do I mean by this?
Well, when you prefer you can show off your body with the bikini, and when you are looking for a
little more coverage,
you just put on the shirt. Two looks in one!
6. With skirt/sash:
And finally we have a silhouette that you can wear in 3 different ways: as a cummerbund tied at
the waist to
frame the curves and give it more style, as a pareo gathered to the side or skirt type.
These swimsuits stand out from the rest for their versatility and for having spectacular
coverage on the
area of the hips and buttocks, thus giving you comfort and security when you need it most.
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